Wrap Around Provision: Breakfast and After School Club
We are pleased to offer a Breakfast and After School club is an established part of our wrap around care.
We offer Breakfast Club from 7.45am, including provision of breakfast for those children who are booked in from 8am.
Costs are as follows:
7.45am-8.55am £3.75 (includes breakfast), 8am-8.55am £3 (includes breakfast), 8.30am-8.55am £1.50
We offer an After School Club from 3.25pm to 5.30pm, various booking times and costs are:
3.25pm to 4pm £1.50, 3.25pm to 4.30pm £3, 3.25pm to 5pm £4.50 and 3.25pm to 5.30pm £6.
We provide a range of activities, including directed craft and cookery opportunities, as well as construction, dressing up and more general relaxation.
Our costs are very competitive and include a light snack for children who stay to 5.30pm.
To book your child in, including the same day, please log in to Wisepay.