How to support your child's learning at home
It is important to us that children's learning in school is supported, consolidated and extended at home.
We hope that all parents and carers are able to support their children with their home learning. Having a regular time put aside, either at the start or at the end of the day, helps children to get into a homework habit. Children need to know that their homework should be completed to the best of their ability and returned on time, where a 'hand-in' deadline has been given. We do not expect parents to 'do the homework' for the child, but we would hope that parents take an active interest, encouraging their child to be an active 'home learner'. Studies have shown that frequent parental involvement in children's home learning makes a HUGE difference to children's progress with their learning in school.
We encourage children to practise their basic skills in Reading, Spelling and Maths, and set fornightly homework tasks for these areas of the curriculum.
We want children to develop a love of reading and encourage them to read independently every day at home, and regularly to an adult. We ask that parents/carers support their children with this key skill: there is a home reading record in which parent/carers can comment on their child's reading, and help their child to keep notes on what they have read. To encourage children to read, each child who meets the minimum expectation of four times per week, receives a ClassDojo point.
Parents, grandparents, carers and older/younger siblings can all play a vital role in helping children to become more confident learners, by encouraging them:
- to talk about what they have learnt in school, and how they feel about their learning
- to regularly practise their key skills in the core subjects
- to find out more about our project work, through reading, researching and making
Children have a homework book for Maths and Reading Response or Reading Comprehensions, or for younger children' sound/phonic work. Instead of traditional spelling homework and tests, we use the website 'Spelling Shed' where children can practise spellings set around a particular pattern or rule set by their teacher. There are a variety of games that children can play and teachers monitor the results to see if further support is needed. Children in Year 1 and 2 are set a variety of fun activities to practise their number facts with an adult. Children in Years 2-6 use the website Tables Table Rock Stars to increase their accuracy and speed of their recall.
In addition to the information provided at your child's Welcome Meeting which is attached to your child's class page, please also see the links below for further detail on how to support children in Reading, Phonics and Spelling, and Mathematics. We hope you find these materials useful.