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We are fortunate to have a dedicated and committed Governing Body, with members each bringing their own skills set and experience to bear, in the service of the children in our school.

The structure for Governing Body meetings that has been adopted from 2017-2018 is as follows:

  • Full Governing Body: meetings held typically once every 6 to 8 weeks (7 months out of 12)
  • Church Ethos group - regular meetings each half term
  • Standing Committees: Admissions, Finance and Buildings, Health & Safety, Pay and Personnel Committee - held as and when required to meet statutory obligations, and as need arises.

In addition to Full Governing Body meetings and 'standing committee' meetings, individual members of the Governing body take part in a planned schedule of visits to the school during the school working day, to monitor and evaluate the impact of the school development plan, and the school's priorities, on improving the learning experience for the children at St Aldhelm's. Each governor has at least one area in which they act as 'Link', in order to carry out their work.

The Chair of the Full Governing Body liaises regularly with the Headteacher, in her role as 'constructively challenging' partner in the leadership of the school.

Please use this page to find out about the members and work of our School Governing Body. 

Our Governing Body